NEWS: This year the war for Christmas continues with some stores choosing to keep Christ in Christmas and others who deny Him. Click here for the list of stores that are "Naught or Nice".
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: Not only can you shop at stores that honor Christmas and avoid ones who do not, but you can send an e-mail or letter to those who don't and let them know your money was spent elsewhere for that reason. Speaking with your pocketbook is a great way to get a store owners attention.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Army bans participation in Christian organizations
NEWS: The U.S. military is training soldiers that groups standing for traditional/Biblical marriage (such as The American Family Association) are hate groups in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan and the Neo-Nazis. Pictured left is the briefing the soldiers received about this. The slide at left names the American Family Association as such a hate group. Also in the training, soldiers were informed they could face punishment for participating in organizations that are considered hate groups. Question: Does your church teach traditional/Biblical marriage? If so, according to this Army briefing military members may not contribute to, join, or attend your church. If they do they could "face punishment."
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: First, let us praise the Lord for the brave soldier who took a picture so we have evidence of this. Second, let us pray for courage for our Christian military members now under persecution for their faith. Third, make this a more public issue by writing letters to the editor of your local papers, and letters to your members of Congress. Fourth, encourage your church to host a military appreciation day and get more military members into our churches at a time when they are being told to stay away.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Freedom of Speech is GONE!!!
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can go to your community school board meetings, town halls, etc. and speak out against Common Core! The more attention is brought to this issue, the more America will realize the freedoms we've already lost and encourage action to take them back.
"Freedom is never given, it must be won, and re-won by each generation."
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Doing homework before voting
NEWS: Election season is upon us and the Kentucky senatorial race is taking center stage. On the
republican side are: Senator Mitch McConnell and Matt Bevin. The main democratic candidate is current KY Secretary of State Alison Grimes. Sen. McConnell has been a politician for 30 years. If you think that much Washington experience is good then that is a plus for the senator. If you are for term limits and opposed to lifetime politicians that is a reason to replace him. (Click here for a CNN article about the McConnell campaign's recent scandal.)
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: Don't just read the political mail you receive and believe it. The info presented can be spun to say nearly anything. Instead, do some homework on each of the candidates. A good place to start is by visiting their websites. Click on a candidates name to visit their website: Mitch McConnell Matt Bevin Alison Grimes.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Abortion supporters shout "Hail Satan" as Christians sing Amazing Grace
NEWS: In the above video you will see Christians in the Texas capitol singing Amazing Grace as pro-life legislation was being debated. At the same time, the pro-abortion supports chant "Hail Satan."
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: The forces behind these two movements are blatantly exposed here. As Texas was able to pass this pro-life legislation, let Christians around the nation work to stop the bloodshed of the unborn. May this video help us realize we are wrestling not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Obama versus the 4th Amendment
NEWS: The Obama administration has been found violating American's right to privacy under the 4th Amendment (listening to e-mails and phone calls). It has also been found guilty of harassing pro-Constitution, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Israel, and other conservative groups. Many conservatives have been unable to forward news of these violations via e-mail. Below is an example of a link I have been unable to forward of Congress exposing not scandals but felonies of the Obama administration.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can view Congressional hearings exposing Obama administration felonies here.
You can also listen to this week's episode of my radio show "Take America Back." On the program I play some incredibly scary words of Obama saying, "Trust me. We know who the bad guys are."
You can also spread word about this. We must be: Informed, Involved, and it's probably not a bad idea to be armed too! LET FREEDOM RING!!!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Learn How to be Effective
NEWS: Tired of feeling condescended to by politicians? There is a way to learn how to effectively engage them and to make a real difference in organizing others to make a difference.
Maintaining freedom is not a “one-time event,” nor is it getting one person elected. It is a process. There will be struggles, but struggle against tyrants is always hard. Brave men and women pledged their lives and fortune to give us our precious birthright as Americans and the principles of liberty and freedom are worth any cost to preserve.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can attend the one-day class sponsored by the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership. It is set to be in Bowling Green, KY on June 15 (Saturday). If you would like to learn more about the class, click here.
The class isn't to equip you to be an effective pawn or volunteer for a candidate or political party. It is designed to help you create a political environment that will reduce government interference in our lives, resulting in lower taxes and more freedom.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Prayer returning to public schools
NEWS: Two states have already passed laws putting prayer back into public schools. There is a movement to encourage Kentucky government to do the same.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can print out a petition the petition here and have people sign it then mail it to the address provided. It will be mailed by the American Family Association (AFA) to Kentucky's Governor encouraging him to put prayer back in our public schools.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Boy Scouts under attack by homosexual agenda
NEWS: The Boy Scouts are under attack by the homosexual agenda crowd. In May they will be voting on whether or not to allow homosexuals into their organization.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can contact the Boy Scouts and encourage them to keep the Boy Scouts morally pure and keep the homosexual agenda out. Here is their contact information.
Phone: (972) 580-2000
To send an email, just click here.
To send a letter, here is the address:
Boy Scouts of America
National Council
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, Texas 75015-2079
Thursday, April 18, 2013
NEWS: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it is considering dropping current broadcast decency standards that ban explicit profanity and "non-sexual" nudity. Specifically, if enacted, the new FCC policy would allow network television and local radio stations to air the f-word, the s-word and to allow programs to show frontal female nudity, even during hours when they know children will be watching and listening.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: The FCC is accepting comments on this proposal from the viewing public until the end of April. So, you can contact the FCC and let them know you want them to NOT lower/abandon the standards against expletives and nudity. Click here to visit the FCC site to comment. Once on the FCC comment site, enter the code "13-86" in the "Proceeding Number" box and fill out the few remaining required fields. You can then enter your comments in the text box then click "Continue" and finally "Confirm."
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Big Brother already here
NEWS: Below is a picture of me standing next to a print out of ObamaCare. Part of this monstrous bill is pushing "Common Core." This is standardized curriculum sent down from Washington D.C. to our states. The state would have no say in what is taught. It is education without representation. Opponents of Common Core site some of it’s underlying problems.
Groups such as "Truth in Education", sight some of the problems as, “There will be a massive data
tracking system on each child with over 400 points of information collected.
This information can be shared among organizations and companies and parents
don’t have to be informed about what data is being collecting. They will
collect information such as: your child's academic records, health care
history, disciplinary record, family income range, family voting status, and
religious affiliation, to name a few. Big brother will be watching your child
from preschool till college You, the parent, are UNABLE to opt your child out
of this tracking system."
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: Those in my home state can join CHEK (Christian Home Educators of Kentucky), It is an organization dedicated to keeping its members informed about threats to Christian's rights in education and fighting to keep those rights. You can learn more
on their website
You can also contact your state-level legislator and ask them to sponsor or support
legislation getting Common Core out of our state.
Lawmakers in 18 states have considered legislation to block the
implementation of the curriculum standards. Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska,
Texas, and Virginia have successfully rejected or partially rejected Common
Core. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell reiterated his opposition to Common Core in
late March, as has Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Boy Scouts consider going homosexual ! ! !
NEWS: The Boy Scouts of America is considering lifting the ban on homosexuals being Scout Masters and holding other leadership positions in the organization.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can contact the Boy Scouts of America by calling: (972) 580-2000 and encourage them to keep their current policy and keep homosexuals out of Scouting.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can contact your members of Congress (click here) and have them support this effort to impeach Obama for this traitorous act.
Standing for Life
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can learn who your Kentucky State legislator is by clicking here then encourage them to pass pro-life legislation during the 2013 Session.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The battle over gun RIGHTS
NEWS: There is much talk in Washington about banning guns or certain types of guns. The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution says, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This is what Thomas Jefferson said about our right to guns, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” You will note he does not say our gun rights have anything to do with hunting or sports, but "to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can (1) contact your members of Congress and tell them you want them to oppose new bans on weapons. (2) Educate yourself and watch this 13 minute video of the true story of when American citizens took up arms against corrupt government in the 1940s. A fascinating part of our history that isn't taught in school.
WARNING: The short video has some bad language. I am sorry, but I do not have the ability to take it out.
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