NEWS: The Kentucky Senate has passed Senate Bill 9, known as the "Ultrasound Bill." This bill requires abortionist to allow a woman to see an ultrasound of her baby before the pregnancy is ended with an abortion. It ensures that a woman has full information about the irreversible action she is considering prior to making a final commitment. In states where similar bills have passed, the number of women who see the ultrasound then decide to have the abortion anyway decrease dramatically.
Last year, a similar bill passed the KY Senate but died in the House of Representatives because pro-abortion leadership refused to allow it to come up for a vote. If the bill could come up for a vote, it is highly likely it would pass.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: You can contact your district's person in the KY House of Representatives and say you want them to take action to get Senate Bill 9 up for a vote by the full House. The number to leave a message for your legislators is: 1-800-372-7181. If you do not know who your representative is, then you can look it up by county by clicking here. You can also leave a message for those in leadership in the House. The Speaker of the House is "Representative Greg Stumbo" and the floor speaker of the House "Representative Rocky Adkins."