NEWS: In 31 states the vote for defining marriage as between one man and one woman has been put to the people. In ALL 31 states, the people voted in favor of traditional marriage. The same is not always true when the choice is up to the courts or legislatures.
Now there is movement in the West Virginia Senate to let voters decide whether to approve a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage. Under the West Virginia constitution, an amendment must first be passed by the legislature before it can be placed before the state's voters. The resolution states: "Only a union between man and woman is valid or recognized as marriage in West Virginia."
Polls show more than 78% of West Virginia voters want marriage defined that way.
Sodomite activist groups are extremely active and vocal. Today, hundreds of sodomite activists flooded the Kentucky state capitol pushing their agenda. Christians must stand to be counted to counter this.
WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: Those in West Virgina can contact their state-level legislators voicing their support for this vote to go before the people. You can find out who your districts' legislator is by clicking here and simply entering your zip code.
Those in the other states should also contact their state and national level legislators voicing their support for traditional marriage. To find out who your legislators are, simple click here and enter your zip code.